When you think of a roof terrace, what do you think of? An outdoor area on the roof terrace, a roof terrace garden, a large balcony on the roof terrace? I immediately an image for me of a flat garden of about two by two meters, correctly referring to low wooden racks. No idea why this is, but it looks at least not like this as roof terracetop below. And I think the same is true for you? But that you also come here for inspiration and fun ideas to do
Summer roof terrace
The unique feature of this roof terrace is probably because it is not in the Netherlands. And you actually see immediately. At the stonework, colors and materials. A medeterrane look with a great summer atmosphere. But this does not mean that you can create on your own roof terrace in this little country. Similar atmosphere As I said, it’s just a matter of materials and colors. In this case you see that white is combined with a turquoise blue tinge. Nice!
You could do that with a white wooden bench showing nice turquoise cushions for example. With fun accessories like lanterns, candles, blankets can all play a role.
roof terrace with sun screen
This roof terrace consists of two levels. The low level where the dining table is placed and a higher level which is accessed via a staircase. At this level, a kind of lounge created with nice chairs and a table. On a roof terrace, it might be more difficult to place as you have on balconies. Sun screen They have solved here by efforts on the lounge area. Simply a cloth Sometimes you can get very far with a little creativity!
Gerelateerde inspiratie
Het bericht Mediterranean roof terrace ideas verscheen eerst op inrichting-huis.com | Inspiration for your Home Interior Design.