A floor can give the garden a whole different look. Today I had a perfect example to show you. It is a garden renovation that I ‘ve found at Normal Room. Previously the garden is not very bad. The garden was at most a bit messy and not good enough finished to speak. But I am sure you agree with me that you will find the garden after the renovation much nicer. What can a difference a floor can make!
Wooden platform floor
Previously, the standard garden paved with red tiles that you see on the street. Nothing wrong with that in itself, but it can obviously be better. The new garden was chosen a beautiful wooden deck floor, which even extends to the right wall. The back wall has wooden slats. It made its coves, so you can place candle lights in between. Miss cozy garden lighting.
The two trees in the back, where previously the candles were hung, are unfortunately removed. I was still beautiful. But for other plants are replaced which is also very nice.
It has now become a real terrace garden with a cozy seating area.
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