In every home there is a sill. A windowsill is the flat piece directly at the window. Previously, a windowsill really used as a bank. Women could work, so they sit that way enough light. That’s also why the ‘ sill ‘ is called. Every now and then you might see that it is actually as a seating is decorated, but more frequently it just used to for example decoration on it. A windowsill is moreover, due to the heat through the heating, one of the most popular seating areas for a cat or a cat!
Today I would like some nice windowsill decoration ideas and inspiration to share with you. Simple ideas with which you can create a window sill.
As said, the window sill also sometimes still like real seating. Especially if it is deep enough, it can be very very inviting. Book and glass of wine there and you have the perfect reading area!
Here you can see that the window sill is used as a bookshelf. Also very nice!
Candles can also make it cosy.
A windowsill is often used to plant out. So also the plants get enough sunlight. But it can also look very nice in appearance.
Or just anything and everything!
Het bericht Windowsill decoration verscheen eerst op | Inspiration for your Home Interior Design.