A tough balcony, which was designed by the architectural firm Hague Global Architects. It is the balcony of apartment in a Dutch town house, which they have been completely renovated. The apartment was really ready for a rebuild, with a dated interior, suspended ceilings and super ugly colors. But the result, characterized by a fresh Scandinavian style is more than impressive. The balcony looks fantastic.
The balcony adjacent to the large kitchen. Not only is the kitchen always nice and light, it’s also easy for when you organize a BBQ to have the balcony next to the kitchen.
Wide wooden planks
If subfloor chosen sturdy recycled wood planks. Wide shelves that has been laid across the width. The balcony was quite deep, but this seems just a little deeper. At the edge of the balcony is a narrow planter of narrower wooden planks. The piles of firewood is needed not only for the old stove, it also functions as a tough decoration.
Photography: Mirko Merchiori
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