Can store stuff in many different ways. Hidden in cabinets or storage boxes, but something we increasingly see his paper pockets. Large open paper bags with fun prints that show next to a functional side also very stylish look. The most famous is the ‘Le sac and paper, but there are many more nicer paper storage bags available!
Le sac en papier
Le sac and papier, also known as The Papberbag, is made of double-layered recycled paper. A multifunctional bag with a capacity of 33 liters. Ideal for example storing roll posters, magazines, toilet rolls, you name it. At the Le sac en papier is on the one hand, a French text and an English text printed on the other side.
Paper pockets of Tell Kiddo
Besides Le sac and paper, I am also super cute paper storage bags come from Maria Sabbah from Sweden. It sells fun prints, which she also be printed on the paper storage bags. White with the face of a bear I like the most. Especially for children it is a nice item.
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